Have you ever heard the saying, “Practice What You Preach”?
After being in the same job field for 16 years (12 years with the same company), life had become routine and more stressful. While sitting at the dinner table one evening, I was complaining about the events of the day. My youngest son said, “Mom, you tell us to live our dreams and do what we love, yet you stay stressed in the same job.”
That was all it took. I looked at my husband and said, “Give me two weeks and I’m putting in my notice at work.”
As I began to make plans for the future, I asked myself, “What do I love? Where do I want to be? What makes me happy?”
My passion has always been crafting, pickin’, junkin’ and repurposing. So I took a leap of faith and quit my full-time job, left behind a comfortable salary and stability, and started the journey to live my dream. Before long, Dept. One Three was born!
It’s taken a lot more work, dedication and faith than I would have ever imagined. In the end, it has been, without a doubt, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
Through God’s faithfulness and out of the mouth of a child, I was reminded to live what I preach. Each day is a new adventure.
Thank you for sharing in my passion and for supporting my dream!